
Confusions pt2 - co-authored with ColorSplashArts

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Meanwhile, as Catzi walked out of the museum, she thought over Ishizu's words. It certainly had the young girl a little confused. Sure most of her questions were answered but now quite a few more were added. What did she mean by destiny lead both her and Bast is different? Sighing, she continued to walk toward her home. Once she got inside the house, she could smell dinner cooking. She smiled and frowned again when she took in another scent. It smelled familiar.

"There's my little girl." Catzi's eyes widen to see her father come up to her.

"Daddy!" Catzi cried as she rushed up to her dad and flung into his arms, "You never said you were coming home so soon!"

"I thought I surprise you and your mother," Mr. Kaioh stated with a smile as he kissed his daughter on the head, "So have you and your mom been getting along real well?"

Catzi smiled as she answered, "Of course."

Catzi was glad her father was here. She did not always see him. Sure he came home once a month, but his business was very demanding and he had to travel a lot. That night, Catzi had one of the best meals ever. She listened to her father tell tales of what he did on his job and so forth. It certainly made the young girl forget about a few other things on her mind.

"So, Chiyoko, what is this I hear that you have a boyfriend?"

Catzi nearly chocked on a carrot she was eating before she managed to control herself and glanced up at her father, "Huh?"

"Your mother told me that you've been seeing a guy?" Mr. Kaioh answered with a hint of humor in his eyes.

"And he's one handsome gentleman if I do say so myself. Not to mention very polite and quiet." Mrs. Kaioh added her own thought with a smile on her face.

Catzi blushed deeply as she stared down at her nearly empty plate, "Well, I guess." She whispered.

"Don't feel bad, honey. I'm really glad that you found a boy. I just hope he shouldn't take advantage of you." Her father stated as he finished the rest of his meal.

Catzi glanced up and laughed, "Don't worry, father. He would never take advantage of me. He's too much of a gentleman." She replied with her cheeks still slightly pink.

Her parents laughed warmly before Catzi finished her meal and excused herself. She decided to think about the dance, which was this coming Saturday. She also realized it was the day before Ryou's birthday. She smiled and realized she had to get him something and give it to him at the dance.

During the next few days, Catzi focused on her schoolwork, and got her dress for the dance. She even got a little something for Ryou. She hoped he would like it. She also realized that Ami had not tried to ruin her life like she said so in the bathroom. It made the aqua-haired girl wary and she made sure to keep on her toes. After all, Ami was usually focused on trying to get what she wants. But the thoughts of worry faded Saturday night for the dance.

Catzi got dressed in a simple white gown. It seemed to flow with her. The dress hem went past her knees and it showed her back nicely. She smiled as she stared at herself in the mirror. She then fixed her hair a bit, allowing it to fall on her shoulders and her back with ease. Taking care of her hair was a lot of work. It was naturally straight, but that did not mean she had slack off with it. She put on gold earrings and a bracelet on her left wrist. Finally she added light pink lip-gloss and black mascara. Satisfied, she grabbed her purse and walked out of her room.

Her parents were in the living room and saw her come down the steps, "Oh, there's my little girl. She looks so beautiful." Mrs. Kaioh stated as she clasped her hands together.

"She sure did grow up fast didn't she?" Mr. Kaioh stated as he rubbed his dark aqua-hair.

Catzi rolled her eyes, "Come on, I have to grow up someday." She pointed out.

"I know sweetie," her mother walked over and hugged her daughter close, "It just seemed like it was only yesterday I was putting diapers on you and powdering your butt."

"Mom." Catzi moaned, but she hugged her mom all the same.

Her mom took a few pictures, despite Catzi's small protests, and finally, the girl heard a car honk outside, "My ride is here. I'll be back later." The aqua-haired girl stated as she rushed to the door in her small white shoes.

"Have fun, honey!" Mrs. Kaioh called out as soon as her daughter walked out of the door.

"I will!" Catzi shouted back and closed the door behind her. She rushed over to the car waiting for her and took notice of all her friends, "Hey guys!" she greeted them as soon as she got inside.

"Hey Catzi. Glad you could make it." Joey greeted with a grin.

"Like I would ever miss my senior dance." Catzi snorted as Tristan, who was the driver, pulled the car out and toward Ryou's apartment.

Catzi took notice of Yugi and for a moment, the two only stared at each other. The others frowned and wondered of what exchange was going to go on. For a long moment, Catzi wanted to talk to Yugi. She really wanted to let him know that they could still be good friends and forget what they had in the past. She opened her mouth to say something, when Tristan parked the car outside the apartment building Ryou was living. The pale haired boy was waiting for them outside the building.

Catzi saw Ryou looked downright handsome in his black suit. She felt her cheeks flushed as he got inside the big car. She could see he was blushing too when he saw her and gave her a nervous smile. Tea laughed as well as the others before Catzi looked away. She turned her attention back to Yugi, and could see he was giving her a mysterious smile.

She then mouthed, "We need to talk." And he nodded to show he understood. She sighed in slight relief before the car was moving again and toward Domino High. As soon as they reached the school, the place looked jam packed with students dressed up nicely for this special occasion. The gang got out of the car and headed for the school.

By the time they all got to the gym, it was loud with music and flashing lights. Catzi realized she had to talk to Yugi and fast. She glanced up at Ryou and said to him, "Excuse me, Bakura. I need to talk to Yugi real quick."

She saw something in Ryou's eyes and she had a feeling that he thought she might be up to something. She shook her head to assure him that it was not what he thought before she walked over to Yugi and gestured to the doors. As the two walked out of the gym, both had failed to notice a female figure smirking and sneaking over to follow them.

Watching Catzi leave, Ryou sighed, leaning against a wall. "I hope I'm not right in what I'm thinking. She'd better not be... no, she's more honest with her feelings than that. I know it. She even said so without really saying so. Argh!" He smacked his forehead. He couldn't help how he felt, but he also knew he could trust her. With that, he inhaled deeply, buried those doubting feelings, and walked over to where punch and refreshments were being served.

Inside the hallway, the music was not so loud that Catzi and Yugi couldn't hear anything else. Catzi sighed before facing Yugi, "Look, I think it's about time we settled the awkward air around us both." She began.

Yugi blinked his large violet eyes and said softly, "You're right. And I am sorry for hurting you, Catzi. And I have to say that I am glad you are dating Bakura."

Catzi frowned at his words, "You are?" she questioned.

"I am. I mean, I never meant to hurt you. In fact, breaking it off with you was one of the worst things I ever had to deal with. And it might have hurt the good friendship we had together because of it. I just didn't have any other way," Yugi explained as he rubbed the back of his neck, "And when I heard you were dating Bakura and seeing you looking happy again, it made me feel better knowing you were probably trying to move on."

Catzi sighed as she placed her hands behind her back, "I know. I mean I have been thinking about it too. And I have to say that, I'm glad you did break it off."

She could tell this caught Yugi by total surprise, for he gave her a look and said, "Really?"

"Yes. Yugi, I know for a fact that even though Pharaoh Atem and Queen Bast were meant to be together, I don't think that means we were going to be together." Catzi began and suddenly recalled what Ishizu told her.

Now she knew what the Egyptian woman was trying to tell her. Her destiny is probably to not be with Yugi, but with Ryou Bakura because that's where her heart was. She felt a little stupid for never figuring this out before. But now she felt relieved and smiled at Yugi. He seemed a little confused yet relieved as well.

"I was actually thinking the same thing, Catzi." Yugi admitted with a small smile.

"That's good to hear. Yugi, you will always be my closest friend. I really want us to be friends, if you want it to. No more awkward glances or anything that may ruin the good friendship we once had." Catzi pointed out as Yugi smiled.

"I agree," he suddenly hugged Catzi close and she smiled as she hugged him back, "I'm glad you wanted to talk, Catzi. I have wanted to say I'm sorry for a long while."

"I figure it would be a good way to clear the air." Catzi admitted.

Just as the two stepped back from each other, they heard giggling. Both turned to see Ami laughing, "Well, looks like Kaioh is back with Muto. I had a feeling you were nothing but a fake girl trying to use Bakura-kun." She stated with an evil smirk.

"What? No." Catzi began, but Ami had already rushed back inside the gym.

Yugi frowned before turning to Catzi, "What was that all about?"

Catzi shook her head before turning back to Yugi, "I have no idea, but I have a bad feeling about this. I better go find Bakura."

"Hey, Bakura!" Hearing his name, Ryou turned to see Tristan walking up to him. "Where'd Catzi go?"

Ryou shrugged, sipping his punch. "She said she'd be right back, and that she needed to talk to Yugi."

"What for?" Tristan asked.

"I don't know." Ryou shook his head. "But she's been gone a while now. I hope she gets back soon."

"Yeah, it's bad manners to ditch your date for long."

"She had a reason to..."

"Oh yeah, chocolate cookies!" Tristan dashed towards the treats at the other end of the refreshment table. Ryou sighed and laughed as he watched Tristan grab about four cookies.

"Hello, Bakura-san," said a new voice next to him.

Startled, Ryou spun around to see Ami, the self-appointed head of his fan club. Her purple dress framed her body in ways he didn't find flattering, and her dark brown hair was up in a boring bun. "Oh, hello," Ryou said with forced politeness.

"Listen, I overheard your date Kaioh talking to Muto, and I found out she's not what you think she is."

Ryou stared at her, but she ignored the irritation in his eyes.

The two rushed back inside and Catzi found to her horror that Ami was already with Ryou and talking to him. With Yugi behind her, the aqua-haired girl rushed over and saw Ryou looked in disbelief of what Ami was telling him.

"Kaioh is only using you, Bakura-kun. She never liked you. She was really hoping to get back with Yugi Muto." She heard Ami state.

"No. That cannot be true." Ryou shook his head firmly.

"You're right. It's not true." Catzi stated as she and Yugi walked up.

"See? They are running up here together! That's proof they are back together!" Ami accused as she pointed a finger at the aqua-haired girl and tri-colored hair boy.

Ryou frowned in puzzlement and gave Catzi a look. "It's not true, Bakura." Catzi insisted. "Don't listen to her. I only wanted to talk to Yugi to clear the awkward air between us. Nothing else and that is the truth!"

Ami started to laugh when Yugi spoke up, "Catzi is right, Bakura. Nothing ever happened and to be clear, I am happy you are with her."

Ami shut her mouth as Ryou gave the shorter boy a slight shock look on his face, "You are?" the pale haired boy asked.

Yugi nodded, "Yup. I mean after I broke up with Catzi, I felt really guilty for hurting her. I was also sad to see her so upset until you asked her out that one time and helped her feel a whole lot better. Catzi and I came to terms and decided to still be good friends and nothing more. That's what we were talking about." He stated.

Catzi smiled gratefully to Yugi while Ami stared dumbfounded. Ryou slowly smiled before turning to Catzi, "Then may I have this chance to talk to you, Catzi?" he questioned as he held out his hand.

Catzi smiled as she took his hand and the two walked off. Ami stared while Yugi smiled. The tri-colored hair boy moved off into the crowd. Ami in the meantime shook her head and felt furious that her plan did not work. Catzi walked with Ryou out of the gym and outside the building to show the night sky had stars in the sky.

"If Yugi and I had not come up, would you believe what Ami had said anyway?" Catzi questioned casually as she glanced up at the handsome British young man.

"No," he answered before turning his calm dark brown eyes down to her, "Because knowing you since I moved here, Catzi, I know you would never do something like that to me."

She felt her cheeks flush red, "I suppose that's true. And I'm glad for that." She stated with a smile as they stood together.

"Catzi, I know you already know of my feelings toward you. However, for the past couple of weeks, you have been acting a little strange. Have I done something wrong?" Ryou questioned as Catzi stared up at him.

She frowned and sighed, "No of course not. The thing is, I have been a little confused because of where my heart lies. I mean, you are the vessel of Thief King Bakura and I am the vessel for Queen Bast. I always thought that since Bast and Atem were destined to be together, I wondered if Yugi and I were supposed to be together because Ishizu Ishtar stated we vessels are the same as the spirits that dwelled in the items we all held."

"I see." Ryou stated with a frown on his face.

Catzi shook her head as she raised her hand up and placed it on the side of his face, "Ishizu managed to explain to me that destiny will lead us on different paths. Even if Bast and I are the same person, that does not mean I would end up with the same man she was destined to be with." She went on with a small smile on her face.

She watched Ryou's face turn red and his hand grasped a hold of her hand on his cheek, "What are you saying, Catzi?" he questioned as he felt a bit flustered.

Catzi giggled softly, "What I mean is that I don't love Yugi. There's only one boy that I think I am destined to be with because that's where my heart lies," she leaned up and added softly, "And that boy is you, Ryou."
Ryou was sure his face was really red; it certainly felt warm enough. "R-really? Me?"

"Yes, you," Catzi affirmed with that glowing smile of hers that he loved.

Everything about her was glowing and beautiful, especially that night. Her hair flowed freely down her shoulders and back like a natural river, her eyes like vibrant smooth stones he couldn't pull his gaze from. The white dress she wore, while simple compared to others at that dance, seemed to him more elegant than any other gown. White was fitting of an angel, after all, for that's what Catzi was to him.

He glanced at her lips, but only briefly, and continued staring into her eyes, the eyes of an angel.

After staring into his eyes for what felt like blissful eternity, she gave him a soft kiss. Ryou felt a little tense from her words, her stating his first name for the first time ever, and her kiss. Finally, he relaxed and kissed her back gratefully while wrapping her arms around her. After a long moment, they kissed and then leaned back. Catzi smiled up at him and could see him looking a little flustered. Her cheeks felt a little red as well. She knew what she had told him was probably very cheesy, however, she could tell Ryou was glad to know of how she felt about him.

"Catzi, do you want to be…" Ryou could not continue, yet Catzi knew where he was going.

"Be boyfriend and girlfriend? Yes," Catzi nodded with a smile.

Ryou smiled down at her and placed his forehead against her own. She could feel his soft long white hair sweep against her cheeks and she playfully brushed his hair with her fingers.

She then remembered something she was going to give him for his birthday. She moved slightly for her free hand to go into her purse and pulled out a tiny parchment. "And this is for you. Happy birthday, Ryou." She said gently as she handed the small wrapped gift to him.

She giggled at the look of surprise on his handsome face. She watched him lean back and opened up the tiny gift. His dark brown eyes widen as he pulled a silver chain with a tiny pyramid pendent out of wrappings. "Why, it's wonderful! So brilliant, and akin to an ancient Egyptian pyramid!" he exclaimed.

Catzi only smiled as he looked at her. "We both love Egypt, Ryou, so I figured this would be the perfect gift for you when I was shopping for you." she explained as she placed her hands on her arms.

Ryou leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Thank you, Catzi. It's a lovely gift, although not even close to how lovely you are." Even though he looked slightly embarrassed, he managed to compliment her without tripping over his own words.

Catzi didn't blush quite as harshly like on their very first date. Instead, her cheeks were faint pink; she was starting to be a lot more comfortable around him. Ishizu had been right all along. She closed her eyes half way as she placed her hand to where a part of her hair was hanging on her shoulders and started to run her fingers through the aqua strands.

"Thanks." she said lovingly.

Watching her blush and look shy made Ryou smile and his heart skip a few beats. Fiddling with the clasp of the chain, he unhooked it, placed the chain around his neck, and fastened it there. "And I'll think of you when I wear this, too. Believe me, it is a lot better than the Millennium Ring."

Catzi smile widened a little more before she answered, "I'm glad you like it," she then added a little slyly, "And don't worry about any evil spirits being inside that thing. I made sure to check." She laughed slightly before adding, "Sorry..."

She felt a little embarrassed for bringing that up in the first place. After all, she never knew what it was like to have a malevolent spirit be in control of her. She frowned as she shifted her light brown eyes to the side.

All Ryou could do was chuckle. "Catzi, it's alright. You were being yourself, and I knew you were joking. Besides, I was joking about it, too." His smile faded. "Although, there is one serious thing I want to say." He set his hands on her shoulders. "If that Ring and its cursed spirit were to return, I would do anything, GIVE anything, to protect you from it." He sighed. "Since that's very unlikely by now, I'll also say I'll do everything I can to protect  you from the wrath of those girls in their self-made fanclub for me." He cupped her cheek in his hand. "I'd hate for them to hurt you."

Catzi shifted her eyes up to see how serious he was and she smiled while replying, "Thank you, Ryou, I appreciate you wanting to protect me. However, even before Bast came, I was able to protect myself from bullies. I've learned that running away never solved anything."

"I'm not saying to run away, Catzi." Despite the words themselves, Ryou's voice was gentle, and he smiled. "I'm also glad you can protect yourself. You're independent, I know, just..." It took a moment for him to determine the right words. "You know... if they're around you when I am, I'll keep you safe from them. Or what they intend to do. You know what I mean, right?"

Catzi grasped his hand that was on her cheek and answered, "Yes I do. Hopefully they will finally see you are a person with feelings and not just a handsome boy. I didn't end up liking you for just your looks. You are a kind, gentle, and wonderful boy that I was lucky enough to get to know. And I am thankful for that."

Ryou kissed her pink lips, unable to find his tongue to say what he meant. "And... I'm thankful for you. To have you," he said softly.

This made Catzi's heart skip a beat before she hugged him close. He felt so warm that it was comforting. For a moment, she wondered if Bast was watching and was proud of her. She did remember the Queen did hint of how she saw of how Catzi felt for Ryou. She always thought her feelings for Ryou were merely out of thinking him as a good friend. But now she saw that it was her ever growing love for this pale-haired boy. And she would not have it any other way.

Ryou held Catzi closer to him, his nose buried in her hair. He smiled at her sweet scent and warmth. The two stood embracing each other for longer than either of them wanted to keep track of. Happiness was each other, a happiness Ryou dreamed of with her but discovered that night just how deep it was. It was more than he had ever imagined.

The upbeat music from the dance room suddenly turned off. New music, a slow lilting melody, drifted down the hall to Ryou's and Catzi's ears. As much as they wanted to stay there, the music was also compelling. "Catzi," Ryou began, his voice brushing her ear, "would you like to return to the dance floor and dance with me?"

"Yes. I would love that." Catzi answered as she continued to hug him.

The couple turned and walked back into the dance room. Quite a few couples were dancing to the slow music and Catzi and Ryou started to dance outside the crowd. Yugi was the first to notice and he smiled.

"What's up, Yuge?" Joey questioned when he saw the look on his small friend's face.

Yugi merely nodded toward Catzi and Ryou out on the dance floor. Joey and the others followed the motion.

Ryou spun Catzi out, then back to him. He continued to dance with her by stepping side to side the way most couples were on the floor. Then, he stepped forward with one foot, then back with the other foot, then repeated the motion again, guiding Catzi to follow him in doing the same step but backwards.

After a third such move, his right foot smashed his left - and he barely caught himself and Catzi before they fell over. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" Ryou asked anxiously. He managed to lean against a wall to keep himself and Catzi from toppling to the ground. "You're not hurt, are you?"

Catzi started to laugh warmly. "I'm fine. That was fun," she replied and smiled at him, "I had no idea you knew how to waltz, sort of."

"Um, yeah..." Ryou chuckled nervously. "I'm really out of practice. I only know four moves anyways. How about we not try that again?" He laughed, this time more at ease.

Catzi nodded as she and Ryou got to their feet. The couple continued to dance slowly to music and not try the waltz again. Their friends continued to watch and smile.

"They make such a cute couple." Tea giggled as she clasped her hands together.

"Yeah, you gotta admit they're great together," Joey added, leaning against a wall as he watched Ryou and Catzi.

"I agree," said Yugi with a soft smile.

"I do admit it - and I'm glad I got Ryou to ask her out!" Tristan gleefully nudged Joey's shoulder. "And all because I asked Serenity out!"

"Don't push it, or I ain't ever letting you near her again, matchmaker, " Joey growled. That was enough to shut Tristan up.

Silently, the four continued to watch the happy couple from the side. Then, Yugi asked Tea to dance, and Joey and Tristan stayed by that wall.

As the song began to end, Ryou pulled Catzi close. Both he and she thought that night was truly the best night ever. The couple did not care that Ami or any other fan girl of Ryou was seething with anger. The only thing that both were focused on was each other. And nothing was going to ruin this night. To Catzi and Ryou, this was the best night they ever had. As the song ended, the pale-haired boy leaned down and kissed the aqua-haired girl.
Part 1 of this story is here: [link]

This is the second half of a story written by me and :iconcolorsplasharts:, featuring her OC Catzi and the main gang from Yu-Gi-Oh! So, if you see differences in writing style from my typical work, it's because two people wrote it.

Honestly, this was so much fun to write! I'd say we each wrote about half of it, and for the scenes with Ryou and Catzi interacting, I'd write for Ryou and she'd write for Catzi, kind of like roleplay. I must say, it was enjoyable to roleplay like that.

This story is also a sequel to another story, called "Double Date", that I wrote as a commission for Chrissy. Parts one and two of that story are found below:

Bast (who's mentioned a few times), Ami, and Catzi (c) *ColorSplashArts
Ryou Bakura, Yugi Muto, Joey, Tea, and Tristan (c) Kazuki Takahashi and other respective owners
Miyuki (a one-time character) (c) me
This story belongs only to me and Chrissy! No one else is allowed to use it, or they'll be tracked down by the Rare Hunters!!!
© 2012 - 2024 Mew-Universe
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D2021's avatar
this is awesome love the story ^^